Home School Agreement
A Home School Agreement is a statement explaining your child's school's aims, values, policies and procedures, its responsibilities towards its pupils, the responsibilities of the pupil's parents, and what's expected of pupils.
At Clifford All Saints C of E Primary School, we recognise each child as an individual, and aim to give all children every opportunity to realise their full potential. We believe that a close partnership between the school, parents and the child is essential if we are to achieve this aim.
It is therefore an expectation that all new parents who wish their children to attend Clifford All Saints C of E Primary School will sign up to our Home School Agreement.
We also ask parents to ensure they share the Home School Agreement with their child and we will also discuss this in school.
The Responsibilities of the School
At Clifford All Saints C of E Primary School, we will:
Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which challenges your child to reach their potential and fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum, meeting children’s individual needs.
Provide a safe and happy environment where all children are valued, respected and listened to.
Achieve high standards of behaviour by providing opportunities for children to develop positive social relationships, self-esteem and a sense of responsibility.
To teach your child about our school values; kindness, integrity, teamwork, wisdom and service.
Teach your child to develop a positive attitude to others, regardless age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, marriage or civil partnership.
Promote high standards and high expectations of effort and attainment to ensure your child achieves their potential.
Keep you informed about your child’s progress and behaviour, as well as their termly curriculum.
Deal with parental concerns promptly and inform them of how they have been resolved.
Provide regular home learning opportunities which are realistic, achievable and related to work in school.
Allow children safe and secure use of the internet through a combination of site filtering, supervision and by fostering a responsible attitude in all pupils, in partnership with parents.
Promote good attendance and punctuality.
Keep parents well informed about school life and special events through regular digital communication.
The Responsibilities of the Parents/Carers
All parents/carers will: 
Having chosen Clifford All Saints C of E Primary School for your child, accept the school’s aims, policies and procedures, positively supporting the school.
Ensure your child wears the correct school uniform and follows the school dress code.
Ensure that your child attends school punctually every day during term time, unless there is a good reason for absence (e.g. illness).
Notify the school by email or telephone in the event of absence.
Support the school’s policies and guidelines on learning, behaviour, attendance and uniform.
To support the school values; kindness, integrity, teamwork, wisdom and service.
Attend parent/teacher meetings to discuss your child’s progress.
Support your child with home learning that is set, including reading regularly, ensuring that this is completed on time according to school arrangements.
Keep the school informed of any changes in circumstances (i.e. address, phone number, emergency contacts etc.)
Promptly inform the school of any concerns or problems that may affect your child’s learning, behaviour or happiness at school.
Support school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at home.
Respect all members of the school community, abiding by the policy of zero tolerance towards rude and aggressive behaviour.
Regularly read information on the website and school communication so that I am kept-up-to-date with important details of relevant policies, meetings, events and information about my child.
The Responsibility of the Child
I agree to: 
Be responsible for my school and home learning, completing all tasks as well as I can, asking questions when I do not understand.
Show that I am willing to work to the best of my ability.
Be respectful towards others and behave in a ready, respectful and safe way.
To accept responsibility for the things that I do and to reflect on my behaviour and learning and learn from all experiences.
To come to school on time, prepared for the day and wearing the correct school uniform.
Use the internet safely as I have been taught in class.
To talk to a grown-up if I have a problem.
To demonstrate the schools values; kindness, integrity, teamwork, wisdom and service.
To take good care of the building, equipment and school grounds.
Follow class responsibilities and be ready for learning.