Vision and Values
Vision Statement
‘Clifford All Saints Primary school is a welcoming, inclusive community inspired by the love of God, modelled in Jesus Christ, where we aspire to learn, to serve and to live life to itsfullest.’
Children’s version: Learning, serving and aspiring together motivated by the love of God
Our School Values

Our School Mission Aims
At Clifford All Saints we are a distinctly Christian school but never exclusively Christian- we are welcoming of all children and families regardless of their faith background.
Safeguarding is at the heart of all of our work in school. It is of imperative importance that children feel safe and valued. We create a climate and culture where all staff and volunteers hold the safeguarding of children and young people at the centre of their practice. This is underpinned by clear systems and processes.
We have high expectations for the behaviour of the children in our setting and challenge the children to be the best versions of themselves they can be. We recognise that clear and well communicated boundaries and routines help children feel safe.
In school we wish to be courageously compassionate. We recognise that everyone makes mistakes and our approach to behaviour and relationships underpins this. There’s space to get it wrong at Clifford All Saints- we forgive and learn from mistakes.
As a small, one form entry family school we strive to ensure that every child is known to all staff and valued as an individual. We value the importance of hospitality at the core of our work with one another. Strong family links with the school community are a cornerstone of our school identity.
We recognise that we are all made in the image of God- we delight and value this. This means that we strive to develop opportunities in school to support children to develop talents and let our children experience success through music, sport and the whole curriculum.
We plan for the curriculum to be exciting and engaging with lots of meaningful learning opportunities. We delight in the knowledge that our children are the future and should be nurtured to learn and succeed in a supportive environment. We value wisdom and hopefulness and want to provide opportunities for children to explore and enjoy the wider curriculum. We want our children to aspire to becoming the geographers, historians, artists and more of the future.
We recognise the importance and impact of true discipleship- we build in opportunities for children to develop skills in mentoring younger children as well as developing their leadership skills through responsibilities across school.
We are proud of the diversity of our school curriculum and strive to ensure every member of our community feels valued and recognised. The children learn the importance of respect and valuing diversity by having this consistently modelled for them through the adults around them.
In school, children are given time and space to reflect and think about God. We know that collective worship is an important time to gather as a community and that children can all engage with this in their own way.
As a school staff team, we want to ensure every decision made in school is grace filled which demonstrates how decision in school are influenced by our values.
The Pattern of Collective Worship
At Clifford All Saints, we conduct assemblies in a dignified and respectful manner. We tell children that assembly time is a period of calm reflection. We regard it as a special time and expect children to behave in an appropriate manner. We ask them to be quiet and thoughtful and to listen carefully to the teachings and participate fully in prayer and singing. However, there are also times where collective worship is an opportunity for joy and celebration. We create an appropriate atmosphere by using music and sometimes candles or other objects that act as a focal point for the attention of the children.
Our aim for collective Worship; Inclusive Invitational Inspiring

Worship involves meeting, exploring, questioning, and responding to others and, for some, to God. I
We want our worship to be inclusive of, and fully accessible to, all.
We recognise that many pupils and staff in our schools will come from homes of different faith backgrounds as well as of no faith background.
We recognise the importance of children asking questions and being at different stages in their faith journey.
We make no assumptions about children’s faith.
We don’t ‘do worship’ we give children opportunities to be involved.
We are inclusive of all members of our Clifford All Saints community.
There is no compulsion to ‘do anything’. Rather, worship should provide the opportunity to engage whilst allowing the freedom of those of different faiths and those who profess no religious faith to be present and to engage with integrity.
We remind our community that pupils and adults should always only be invited to pray if they wish to do so and should be invited to pray in their own way. Prayer should always be accompanied by the option to reflect.
We use music and liturgies in worship to reflect the best of traditional and modern Anglican worship and connect it to wider themes.
We want children to experience worship that is formational and transformational: it should enable pupils and adults to ask big questions about who we are and why we do what we do.
We want to motivate our pupils and adults to reflect and take action in their community.
Worship should support us to become courageous advocates of important causes.
We want to encourage reflection on faith, beliefs and philosophical convictions.
The structure of our collective worship (See Appendix for guidance and ideas)
Welcome / Gather
Word/ Listen
Worship/ Response
Witness/ Mission
Our School Prayers
Clifford School Prayer
Lord, Bless our School
that working together
and playing together
we may learn to serve you
and to help one another
for Jesus sake.
Our before lunchtime prayer
Thank you God
For food and prayer
Teach us how to love and share
Our Friday lunchtime prayer
God is good to me
God is good to me
He gives me lips
To eat my chips
God is good to me
Our School Responses
The Lord be with you.
This is the day that the Lord has made.
Lord open our lips
And our mouth shall proclaim your praise
Let us worship the Lord
All praise to his name
The Lord is here.
His spirit is with us.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give thanks and praise
Seasons of the Church Year
Prayer spaces and reflection spaces in school
Every classroom in school has a prayer space where the children can reflect on their individual prayers and reflections. There are shared spaces in school and opportunities for the children to actively engage with these.
Song Choices- collective worship and praise
In the appendix, a list of favourite songs are shared. This list is not extensive and provides choices that are traditional favourites as well as more modern choices. During special events there are key songs that the children learn that are linked to that period in the school’s calendar.
Worship Council and Youth group
We recognise the importance of children having an active role in worship. This enables them to engage with the content of the planned collective worship as well a role in the creation and leadership of worship in school. We work closely with the children’s minister from All Saints Ecclesall to engage young people in their own faith journey through small groups and a Christian youth group.
Roots and Fruits
We use Roots and Fruits in collective worship to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of wider Christian values. These are shared through a range of assembly mediums.